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Academic staff of VU and UvA affilliated with ACASA.

Academic staff UvA Archeologie

Academic staff UvA Klassieke talen

Academic staff VU: zie einde lijst op deze pagina


Dr. M.P. (Mathieu) de Bakker

Faculty of Humanities

Capaciteitsgroep Griekse en Latijnse talen en culturen

Dr. C. (Chiara) Cavallo


Dr. M.F.P. (Menno) Dijkstra

UvA field archaeologist and keeper of documentation and depot

Drs. M.L. (Maja) d'Hollosy

Physical anthropologist research

Drs. A.D. (Anja) Fischer


Dr. P.S. (Piet) Gerbrandy

Classical and Medieval Latin

Dr. L.W. (Lidewij) van Gils

Roman rhetorical and historiographical text of first century BC and AD.

Prof. dr. M. (Marijke) Gnade

Archaeology of pre-Roman Cultures in Central Italy, settlement archaeology, burial archaeology, social identities, material studies, archaeological practices

Prof. dr. J.J.M. (Joost) Hazenbos

Professor by special appointment of Hittite and related Anatolian languages and cultures as well as the history of Asia Minor and the preclassical period

Dr. M.A.J. (Mark) Heerink

Hellenistic Greek and Roman poetry

Dr. J.R. (Jill) Hilditch

Archaeologist specialising in ceramics, with research interests stretching across the Aegean and wider East Mediterranean region

B.C. (Boris) Hoetjes MA

Faculty of Humanities

Capaciteitsgroep Griekse en Latijnse talen en culturen

Dr. L. (Luuk) Huitink

Faculty of Humanities

Capaciteitsgroep Griekse en Latijnse talen en culturen

Dr. M. (Martijn) Icks

Political and cultural history of the Roman Empire, esp. the representation and perception of imperial power; the reception of antiquity

Prof. dr. C.H.M. (Caroline) Kroon

Latin Functional Discourse Grammar

T.J.R. (Tijm) Lanjouw

Faculty of Humanities

Dr. H. (Heleen) van Londen

Landscape archaeology & field archaeology; Roman archaeology of the Northern Provinces; Archaeological Heritage Management & Heritage

Dr. P.S. (Patricia) Lulof

Terracotta roof decoration in Central Italy, Archaic sanctuaries and architecture, Digital humanities and cultural heritage (3-4D reconstructions), Etruscan archaeology, Visual culture and iconology, Gender and Religion in Antiquity

Dr H.L. (Hayley) Mickleburgh

Faculty of Humanities

Capaciteitsgroep Archeologie

M. (Matthijs) van Oeveren MA

Faculty of Humanities

Prof. dr. D. (Daniëlle) Slootjes

Faculty of Humanities


Dr. E. (Liesbeth) Smits

Physical Anthropology

Prof. dr. V.V. (Vladimir) Stissi

Greek pottery, landscape and survey archaeology, material culture of sanctuaries, visual culture, history of archaeology, household archaeology, Archaeological heritage in the contemporary world

Prof. dr. J. (James) Symonds

Professor of Historical Archaeology (North of the Alps). Archaeology of the modern world (c.AD 1450-present) and includes work on capitalism, colonialism, landscapes of improvement and diaspora, urban and industrial archaeology, and the archaeology of poverty

Dr. B. (Berenice) Verhelst

Faculty of Humanities

Capaciteitsgroep Griekse en Latijnse talen en culturen

Dr. A.A.A. (Arno) Verhoeven

Development of exchange systems during the Middle Ages, ceramic production and consumption, rural and urban settlement systems from Late Antiquity to the Early and High Middle Ages

Dr. J. (Jitte) Waagen

Computational Archaeology Specialist.

Dr. G.J.M. (Gert Jan) van Wijngaarden

Material interconnections in the pre- and protohistoric Mediterranean, landscape archaeology in the Ionian Islands (Greece), Archaeological heritage in the contemporary world, history of Archaeology.

Academic staff VU:

dr. J.G. (Joris) Aarts
Provinciaal-Romeinse archeologie, Antieke Numismatiek.

dr. mr. R. J. (Rutger) Allan
Griekse (diachronische en synchronische) taalkunde.

dr. J.P. (Jan Paul) Crielaard
Archeologie van Griekenland (ca. 1200-500 v.Chr.); Griekse kolonisatie en overzeese contacten; Homerische archeologie.

dr. J.J. (Jaap-Jan) Flinterman
De Griekse wereld in de eerste eeuwen van onze jaartelling.

prof. dr. R.B. (Bas) ter Haar Romeny
Ancient history of the Mediterranean and the Near East.

dr. S. (Stijn) Heeren
Archaeology of rural habitation in the Dutch river area in the Late Iron Age, Roman period and Early Middle Ages.

dr. S. Thavapalan
History of the Ancient Near Eastern Language and Cultures

dr. S.J. (Sjoerd) Kluiving
Earth Sciences in Landscape Archaeology, particularly interdisciplinary research in the disciplines of Archaeology, Historical Geography and Geology.

dr. M.H. (Mieke) Koenen
Receptie van de Klassieke Oudheid in de moderne Nederlandse poëzie, en Lucretius het Latijnse leerdicht.

prof. dr. M. (Marije) Martijn
Ancient and Patristic Philosophy

dr. E.M. (Emilie)  van Opstall
Greek literature, from the Imperial up to the Middle-Byzantine period (poetry, prose, ecphrasis): text edition, interpretation, translation.

dr. A. (Mieke) Prent
Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age, Crete, Perioikic Laconia, Greek religion and cult.

dr. J.W.H.P. (Philip) Verhagen
Predictive modelling, GIS and spatial analysis, statistics, computing in archaeology, archaeological survey, archaeological heritage management, landscape archaeology.

dr. N.M. (Nienke) Vos
Oudchristelijke hagiografie, oudchristelijke exegese.