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Contact information of the ACASA organisation and staff members.
Department chairs  
Department chair UvA Ton Nijhuis
Department Chair VU Gert-Jan Burgers
Programme directors  
Programme director BA UvA Martijn Icks
Programme director BA VU Rutger Allan
Programme director MA UvA Luuk Huitink
Programme director MA VU Rutger Allan
Programme coordinators  
Programme coordinator Matthijs van Oeveren
Operational management  
Head of operational management Agaath Homminga (ad interim)

Staff members

For more information on the staff members of VU and UvA affiliated with ACASA  please check the staff list.


All (future) students can get info and answers at the Education Desk.


Any questions or remarks? Please contact us via email at

Visitor address

Turfdraagsterpad 9
1012 XT Amsterdam
The Netherlands
T: +31 (0)20 525 2572
E: (Monday - Thursday)

Postal address

PO box 94203, 1090 GE Amsterdam