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Irene de Jong, professor of Ancient Greek at the UvA, has been selected as a member of The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters.
prof. I.J.F. de Jong

The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, founded in 1857, is a non-governmental, nationwide body which embraces all fields of learning. Its main purpose is to support the advancement of science and scholarship in Norway.

The Academy has Norwegian and foreign members, as well as honorary members. A seat becomes vacant on the death of the holder or when a member has reached the age of 70. Only members of the Academy are entitled to propose candidates for membership, which is based solely on the candidates' scientific achievements.

The members are divided into two sections; Mathematics and Natural Sciences and Humanities and Social Sciences. Irene de jong represents the Humanities and Social Sciences section, group Philology and Linguistics.

Prof. dr. I.J.F. (Irene) de Jong

Amsterdam Centre for Ancient Studies and Archaeology (ACASA)