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Prof. dr. I.E. (Irene) Zwiep

Hebreeuwse, Aramese en Syrische talen en culturen
Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
Capaciteitsgroep Semitische talen en culturen

  • Spuistraat 134
  • Postbus 1641
    1000 BP Amsterdam
  • Profile

    Education and current position

    During the 1980s, I studied Classics and Hebrew and Jewish studies in Amsterdam and at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Upon my Ph.D. in 1995, I received a Frances Yates Fellowship at the Warburg Institute in London. Since 1997 I have held the chair in Hebrew and Jewish Studies (formally: of Hebrew, Aramaic and Syriac languages and cultures from the 1st century AD) in the Hebrew department of the University of Amsterdam. Since 2008, I am also working as the director of the Institute of Culture and History, the largest of the faculty's research institutes. In my 'spare' time I serve, among others, as chairman of the Academic Committee of the Levisson rabbinical training programme, as chairman of the Menasseh ben Israel Institute (a joint venture by UvA and the Jewish Historical Museum Amsterdam), and as a member of the Advisory Board of the Jewish Educational Centre 'Crescas'.

    Research interests

    Over the years I have specialized in (early) modern Jewish intellectual history, with the history of Hebrew literacy and linguistics and, more recently, of 19th- and 20th-century European Jewish scholarship and identity as my main areas of interest. For some years now, I have been a co-editor of Studia Rosenthaliana (Louvain: Peeters) as well as of  Zutot: Perspectives on Jewish culture , the department's own peer-reviewed yearbook, published by Brill Boston.
    Larger research projects that I am currently in the process of co-developing include:
    • 'Jewish educational media between tradition and modernity', in collaboration with prof. dr. S. Laessig and dr. D. Sadowsky of the Georg-Eckert-Institut (Braunschweig)
    • 'Halakhah in the Modern World', in collaboration with prof. dr. Frishman (UL), dr. L. Teugels (associate researcher UvA) and the Levisson Institute, Amsterdam.
    • 'Hebrew Cultures in Europe, 1500-2000', in collaboration with dr. A. Schatz (King's College London)

    Some recent publications that best reflect my research interests are:  
    • i ntellectual history  

    edited volumes  
    with S. Berger: Epigonism and the Dynamic of Jewish Culture (= Studia Rosenthaliana 40), Louvain: Peeters 2008 
    with R. Fontaine and A. Schatz, Sepharad in Ashkenaz. Medieval Knowledge and eighteenth-century enlightened Jewish discourse, Amsterdam: Edita (Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences) 2007 
    selected recent articles  
    'Jewish Enlightenment (almost) without Haskalah. The Dutch Example' in L. Hecht, ed.,  Haskalah, Aufklärung,Osvícenství: Jewish Enlightenment in the Czech Lands in a European PerspectiveJewish History and Culture  2011

    'From Dialektik to Comparative Literature: Steinschneider's Orientalism' in R. Leicht and G. Freudenthal, eds,  Studies on Steinschneider. Moritz Steinschneider and the Emergence of the Science of Judaism in Nineteenth-Century Germany  (Leiden/Boston: Brill 2011), 137-150

    'Scholarship of literature and life. Leopold Zunz and the invention of Jewish culture' in W. Otten, A. VanderJagt, Hent de Vries, eds,  How the West Was Won. Essays on Literary Imagination, the Canon, and the Christian Midle Ages for Burcht Pranger , Leiden etc.: Brill 2010, 165-173

    'Epigones and the formation of new literary canons: Sephardi anthologies in eighteenth-century Amsterdam', in S. Berger, I.E. Zwiep, eds,  Epigonism and the Dynamic of Jewish Culture  ( Studia Rosenthaliana  40), Louvain: Peeters 2008, 147-158

    'Haskalah and Wissenschaft des Judentums in the earliest Dutch Jewish press (1806-1875)', in E. Lappin & M. Nagel, eds,  Deutsch-jüdische Presse und jüdische Geschichte: Dokumente, Darstellungen, Wechselbeziehungen Band 1 , Presse und Geschichte - Neue Beiträge 37, Bremen: edition lumière 2008, 23-32

    'A maskil reads Zunz. Samuel Mulder and the earliest Dutch reception of the Wissenschaft des Judentums', in Y. Kaplan, ed.,  The Dutch Intersection. The Jews and the Netherlands in Modern History , Leiden/Boston: Brill 2008, 301-317

    'Jewish Enlightement reconsidered: the Dutch eighteenth century', in R. Fontaine, A. Schatz, I.E. Zwiep, eds,  Sepharad in Ashkenaz. Medieval knowledge and eighteenth-century enlightened Jewish discourse , Amsterdam: Edita 2007, 281-311.

    'From perush to be'ur. Authenticity and authority and eighteenth-century Jewish interpretation', in R.W. Munk, M.F.J. Baasten, eds, Studies in Hebrew Language and Jewish Culture , Dordrecht etc.: Springer 2007, 257-270.

    •  history of linguistic thought  
    'Hebrew 'sociolinguistics' in R. Leicht et al., eds , Studies in the History of Culture and Science, Presented to Gad Freudenthal on his 65th birthday , Leiden etc.: Brill 2010, 453-469 
    'Linguistic knowledge: grammar and literacy in early modern Ashkenaz',  Simon-Dubnow-Institut Jahrbuch/Yearbook  8 (2009), 279-298 
    'Adding the reader's voice. Early-modern Ashkenazi grammars of Hebrew',  Science in Context  20.2 (2007), 163-196

    'What's in a name? Conceptions of Hebrew as reflected by the titles of Hebrew grammars',  Zutot. Perspectives on Jewish culture  2004 (Dordrecht etc. 2005), 117-124

    'Imagined speech communities. Western Ashkenazi multilingualism as reflected in eighteenth-century grammars of Hebrew', in Shlomo Berger et al., eds, 'Speak Jewish - Jewish speak'.  Jewish multilingualism in Western Ashkenaz . Studia Rosenthaliana 36 (2002/3), 71-111


    Over the years, my teaching has concentrated on pre-modern Jewish history and literature. In the department's BA programme, I am currently teaching a first-year course in Hebrew Bible, an introductory course in rabbinic history and culture and a second year theory course in Jewish poetry (open also to non-Hebraists). In the MA programme in Hebrew language and culture, I am co-teaching the Methodology course as well as the interdisciplinary module 'To be or not to be a Jew in Golden Age Amsterdam', which is likewise open to students from other programmes.

    Full cv Irene Zwiep

  • Publicaties


    • Zwiep, I. (2024). Gesetz als Gegensatz: The modern halachic language game. In P. M. Kurtz (Ed.), Moses among the moderns: German constructions of biblical law, 1750-1930 (pp. 117-145). (Scientific and learned cultures and their institutions; Vol. 36). Brill. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004691780_006 [details]


    • Zwiep, I. E. (2023). Grammars and Dictionaries (Hebrew). In Encyclopaedia of Jewish Book Cultures Online Brill.


    • Zwiep, I. (2022). A Farewell to Foucault? Some Thoughts on the Diffusion (?) of Digital Humanities. Jewish Studies Quarterly, 29(4), 340-348. https://doi.org/10.1628/jsq-2022-0020 [details]
    • Zwiep, I. (2022). Between Past and Future: European Jewish Scholarship and National Temporalities, 1845-1889. In M. A. Meyer, N. S. Gerber, & A. O. Albert (Eds.), Frontiers of Jewish Scholarship: Expanding Origins, Transcending Borders (pp. 21–41). (Jewish Culture and Contexts). University of Pennsylvania Press. https://doi.org/10.9783/9780812298253-002 [details]
    • Zwiep, I. (2022). Writing in a World of Strangers: the Invention of Jewish Literature Revisited. Journal of Latin Cosmopolitanism and European Literatures, 7, 1-20. https://doi.org/10.21825/jolcel.84828 [details]




    • Zwiep, I. (2017). Alien, Everyman, Jew: The Dialectics of Dutch "Philosemitism" on the Eve of World War II. In D. J. Wertheim (Ed.), The Jew as Legitimation: Jewish-Gentile Relations Beyond Antisemitism and Philosemitism (pp. 117-134). Palgrave Macmillan. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-42601-3_8 [details]
    • Zwiep, I. (2017). Believers in the Nation? The Place of Religion in Jewish National Identification (1815–1897). In R. Dagnino, & A. Grazi (Eds.), Believers in the Nation: European Religious Minorities in the Age of Nationalism (1815-1914) (pp. 19-36). (Groningen Studies in Cultural Change; No. 52). Peeters. [details]
    • Zwiep, I. E. (2017). Religion, Culture (and Nation) in Nineteenth-Century Dutch-Jewish Thought. In Y. Kaplan, & D. Michman (Eds.), The Religious Cultures of Dutch Jewry (pp. 249-269). (Brill's series in Jewish studies; Vol. 58). Brill. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004343160_012 [details]




    • Zwiep, I. E. (2012). From 'Dialektik' to comparative literature: Steinschneider’s 'orientalism'. Studies in Jewish History and Culture, 33, 137-150. [details]
    • Zwiep, I. E. (2012). Jewish Enlightenment (almost) without Haskalah: the Dutch Example. Jewish Culture and History, 13(2-3), 220-234. https://doi.org/10.1080/1462169X.2012.729978 [details]


    • Zwiep, I. E. (2011). Mi-Dialektikah le-sifrut mashvah: Ha-Orientalizm shel Shtainshnaider. Pe'amim, 129, 81-97. [details]



    • Zwiep, I. (2009). Linguistic knowledge: grammar and literacy in early modern Ashkenaz. Jahrbuch des Simon-Dubnow-Instituts = Simon Dubnow Institute yearbook, 8, 279-298. [details]



    • Zwiep, I. E. (2025). Review of Piet van Boxel, e.a., eds, The Mishnaic Moment. Jewish Law among Jews and Christians in Early Modern Europe, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022. Journal of Jewish Studies, 76(1), 202-205. https://doi.org/10.3828/jjs.2025.76.1.202


    • Zwiep, I. E. (2024). Hebräische Grammatik zwischen Kognition und Kommunikation. Joel Löwes ‘Ammude halaschon (1974) im Kontext der Aufklärung. In U. Lohmann, & K. Wittler (Eds.), Joel Bril Löwe in Breslau. Die Schuldprogramme und andere Schriften im Kontext (1790–1802) (pp. 699-716). Waxman Verlag/Waxmann Publishing Company.



    • Zwiep, I. (2022). Choice and Determinism at the Crossroads of Early Modern Hebraism. In D. Stein Kokin (Ed.), Hebrew Between Jews and Christians (pp. 125–136). (Studia Judaica; Vol. 77). De Gruyter. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110339826-006 [details]
    • Zwiep, I. (2022). Judaism as Religious Cosmopolitanism. Apologetics and Appropriation in the Jüdisches Lexikon (1927-1930). In A. F. Bakker, R. Bloch, Y. Fisch, P. Fredriksen, & H. Najman (Eds.), Protestant Bible Scholarship: Antisemitism, Philosemitism, and Anti-Judaism (pp. 24–40). (Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism; Vol. 200). Brill. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004505155_003 [details]


    • Zwiep, I. (2021). Academic Egos: Institutions, Personalities, and the Beginnings of Jewish Studies in the Netherlands (1946-1952). In D. Michman (Ed.), Ego-Documents in Dutch-Jewish History : Emotions, Imaginations, Perceptions, Egos, Characteristics (pp. 113-134). Amphora Books. [details]
    • Zwiep, I. (2021). Hyphenated history. Teaching the Past and the Making of the Modern Dutch Israelite. In D. M. Salzer (Ed.), Jüdische religiöse Erziehung im Zeitalter der Emanzipation : Konzepte und Praxis (pp. 177-197). (Europäisch-jüdische Studien Beiträge; Vol. 56). De Gruyter Oldenbourg. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110743050-008 [details]
    • Zwiep, I. E. (2021). From Nations to Citizens: Jewish Life in the Low Countries in the Shadow of the Enlightenment, 1750-1814. In H. Blom, D. J. Wertheim, H. Berg, & B. T. Wallet (Eds.), Reappraising the History of the Jewish in the Netherlands (pp. 172-199). (The Littman library of Jewish civilization). The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization. https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctv20zbkq2.13 [details]



    • Zwiep, I. (2019). Ceci n’est pas une grammaire: Le Compendium Grammatices Linguae Hebraeae de Spinoza. In J. Baumgarten, I. Rosier-Catach, & P. Totaro (Eds.), Spinoza, philosophe grammairien: Le Compendium grammatices linguae hebraeae (pp. 159-181). (Cahiers Alberto Benveniste). CNRS Éditions . [details]
    • Zwiep, I. (2019). Classical Knowledge, Power, and Politics in Nineteenth-Century Dutch Rabbinic Education. Web publication or website, History of Knowledge. https://historyofknowledge.net/2019/01/28/19th-c-dutch-rabbinic-education/ [details]


    • Wallet, B. T., & Zwiep, I. E. (2018). Locals: Jews in the Early Modern Dutch Republic. In J. Karp, & A. Sutcliffe (Eds.), The Cambridge History of Judaism. - Volume 7: The Early Modern World, 1500–1815 (pp. 894-922). Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781139017169.035 [details]
    • Zwiep, I. (2018). Discursive reflections on Jewish identity and culture. In J. Leerssen (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe (Vol. 2, pp. 1149-1150). Amsterdam University Press. http://romanticnationalism.net/viewer.p/21/56/object/122-250540 [details]
    • Zwiep, I. (2018). Where Sound and Meaning part: Language and Performance in Early Hebrew Poetry. In B. Hellemans, & A. Jones Nelson (Eds.), Images, Improvisations, Sound, and Silence from 1000 to 1800 - Degree Zero (pp. 177-188). (Knowledge Communities; Vol. 6). Amsterdam University Press. [details]


    • Kromhout, D., & Zwiep, I. E. (2017). God’s Word Confirmed: Authority, Truth and the Text of the Early Modern Jewish Bible. In D. van Miert, H. Nellen, P. Steenbakkers, & J. Touber (Eds.), Scriptural Authority and Biblical Criticism in the Dutch Golden Age: God’s Word Questioned (pp. 133-154). Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198806837.001.0001 [details]
    • Zwiep, I. (2017). Bijslaap als bijzaak: Eros en liefde in de Talmoed. In P. S. Gerbrandy, M. Heerink, & C. de Jonge (Eds.), Liefdeslessen: Verleidingskunst en erotiek van schepping tot verlichting (pp. 25-42). Atlas Contact. [details]
    • Zwiep, I. (2017). Wijsheid is wijsheid is wijsheid: Chochma, sophia en scientia in het premoderne Joodse episteme. Amsterdamse Cahiers voor Exegese van de Bijbel en zijn Tradities, 31, 85-94. [details]
    • Zwiep, I. E. (2017). De naties worden burgers: Joods leven in de Lage Landen in de schaduw van de Verlichting (1750-1814). In J. C. H. Blom, D. J. Wertheim, H. Berg, & B. T. Wallet (Eds.), Geschiedenis van de Joden in Nederland (2e ed., pp. 197-220, 530-538). Uitgeverij Balans. [details]


    • Zwiep, I. (2015). The Wissenschaft des Judentums and the Visual. In H. Ewence, & H. Spurling (Eds.), Visualizing Jews through the ages: Literary and material representations of Jewishness and Judaism (pp. 104-121). (Routledge Studies in Cultural History; No. 37). Routledge. [details]


    • Vidro, N., Zwiep, I. E., & Olszowy-Schlanger, J. (2014). A universal art: Hebrew grammar across disciplines and faiths. (Studies in Jewish history and culture; No. 46). Brill. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004277052 [details]
    • Zwiep, I. E. (2014). Introduction: Paradigms we live by. In N. Vidro, I. E. Zwiep, & J. Olszowy-Schlanger (Eds.), A universal art: Hebrew grammar across disciplines and faiths (pp. 1-9). (Studies in Jewish history and culture; No. 46). Brill. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004277052_002 [details]
    • Zwiep, I. E. (2014). The impact of teytsh on diqduq, or: Why the metaphor became a noun in early modern Ashkenazi linguistics. In N. Vidro, I. E. Zwiep, & J. Olszowy-Schlanger (Eds.), A universal art: Hebrew grammar across disciplines and faiths (pp. 84-99). (Studies in Jewish history and culture; No. 46). Brill. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004277052_006 [details]


    • Zwiep, I. (2013). De invloed van taitsj op diqdoeq, of: hoe de metafoor een naamwoord werd in de vroegmoderne Aschkenazische taalkunde. In T. van Hal, L. Isebaert, & P. Swiggers (Eds.), De tuin der talen: taalstudie en taalcultuur in de Lage Landen, 1450-1750 (pp. 213-232). (Orbis linguarum; No. 3). Peeters. [details]
    • Zwiep, I. E. (2013). Nation and translation. Steinschneider’s Hebräische Übersetzungen and the end of Jewish cultural nationalism. In R. Fontaine, & G. Freudenthal (Eds.), Latin-into-Hebrew: texts and studies. - Vol. 1: Studies (pp. 421-445). (Studies in Jewish history and culture; No. 39-40). Brill. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004252868_021 [details]
    • Zwiep, I. E. (2013). The haskamah of history, or: Why did the Dutch Wissenschaft des Judentums spurn Zunz's writings? European Journal of Jewish Studies, 7(2), 131-150. https://doi.org/10.1163/1872471X-12341251 [details]


    • Berger, S., Schrijver, E., & Zwiep, I. (2012). Mapping Jewish Amsterdam: the early modern perspective: dedicated to Yosef Kaplan on the occasion of his retirement. (Studia Rosenthaliana; No. 44). Peeters. [details]


    • Zwiep, I. (2011). Goodbye to all that? Jewish views of Europe after 1945. In M. Spiering, & M. Wintle (Eds.), European identity and the Second World War (pp. 224-234). Palgrave Macmillan. [details]
    • Zwiep, I. (2011). Pascal in potentia... Isaac da Costa on Spinoza and Pantheism. Studia Rosenthaliana, 42-43, 149-163. https://doi.org/10.2143/SR.43.0.2175924 [details]
    • Zwiep, I. E. (2011). 'Der juden schant war offenbar': Middeleeuws 'allosemitisme' en postmodern ongemak [Bespreking van: S. Haeberli (2010) Der jüdische Gelehrte im Mittelalter: christliche Imaginationen zwischen Idealisierung und Dämonisierung]. Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis, 124(2), 264-266. [details]
    • Zwiep, I. E. (2011). Hebrew 'sociolinguistics'. In R. Fontaine, R. Glasner, R. Leicht, & G. Veltri (Eds.), Studies in the history of culture and science: a tribute to Gad Freudenthal (pp. 453-469). (Studies in Jewish history and culture; No. 30). Brill. [details]
    • Zwiep, I. E. (2011). [Review of: (2009) The verbal system in Late Enlightenment Hebrew]. Beiträge zur Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft, 21(1), 163-165. [details]


    • Zwiep, I. (2010). Scholarship of literature and life: Leopold Zunz and the invention of Jewish culture. In W. Otten, A. VanderJagt, & H. de Vries (Eds.), How the West was won: essays on literary imagination, the canon, and the Christian Middle Ages for Burcht Pranger (pp. 165-173). (Brill's studies in intellectual history; No. 188). Brill. [details]


    • Berger, S., & Zwiep, I. E. (2008). Epigonism and the dynamic of Jewish culture. (Studia Rosenthaliana; No. 40). Peeters. [details]
    • Berger, S., & Zwiep, I. E. (Eds.) (2008). Epigonism and the dynamic of Jewish cultural history. Studia Rosenthaliana, 40. https://poj.peeters-leuven.be/content.php?url=issue.php&journal_code=SR&issue=0&vol=40 [details]
    • Zwiep, I. (2008). Haskalah and 'Wissenschaft des Judentums' in the earliest Dutch Jewish press (1806-1875). In E. Lappin, & M. Nagel (Eds.), Deutsch-jüdische Presse und jüdische Geschichte: Dokumente, Darstellungen, Wechselbeziehungen = The German-Jewish press and Jewish history: documents, representations, interrelations. - Bd. 1: Identität, Nation, Sprache - Jüdische Geschichte und jüdisches Gedächtnis - Der Westen im Osten, der Osten im Westen - Konzepte jüdischer Kultur = Identity, nation, language - Jewish history and Jewish memoirs - The West in the East, the East in the West - Concepts of Jewish culture (pp. 23-32). (Presse und Geschichte: neue Beiträge; No. 37). Edition Lumière. [details]
    • Zwiep, I. E. (2008). A maskil reads Zunz: Samuel Mulder and the earliest Dutch reception of the 'Wissenschaft des Judentums'. Brill's Series in Jewish Studies, 38, 301-317. [details]
    • Zwiep, I. E. (2008). ‘Judenthum’, ‘Griechenthum’ and ‘Christenthum’ as parameters in early nineteenth-century Jewish political thinking. In A. Houtman, A. de Jong, & M. Misset-van de Weg (Eds.), Empsychoi Logoi: religious innovations in antiquity : studies in honour of Pieter Willem van der Horst (pp. 3-17). (Ancient Judaism and early Christianity; No. 73). Brill. [details]


    • Fontaine, R., Schatz, A., & Zwiep, I. E. (2007). Sepharad in Ashkenaz. Medieval Knowledge and Eighteenth-Century Enlightened Jewish Discourse. (Verhandelingen, Afd. Letterkunde, Nieuwe Reeks; No. 189). KNAW. [details]
    • Zwiep, I. E. (2007). 'Epigones and identity. Jewish scholarship in the Netherlands, 1850-1940'. In J. Frishman, & e.a. (Eds.), Dutch Jewry in a cultural maelstrom, 1880-1940 (pp. 53-64). Aksent. [details]
    • Zwiep, I. E. (2007). 'From perush to be'ur. Authenticity and authority and eighteenth-century Jewish interpretation'. In R. W. Munk, & M. F. J. Baasten (Eds.), Studies in Hebrew Language and Jewish Culture (pp. 257-270). Springer. [details]


    • Rapoport-Albert, A., Schrijver, E., & Zwiep, I. E. (2006). De moeder van God: de vrouwelijke Messias in de joodse mystiek van de achttiende eeuw. Vossiuspers UvA. [details]
    • Zwiep, I. E. (2006). 'Hebrew or the Holy Tongue? Imitation and authenticity in medieval Hebrew writing'. In L. Nauta (Ed.), Language and cultural change. Aspects of the study and use of language in the Later Middle Ages and the Renaissance (pp. 77-90). (Groningen Studies in Cultural Change). Peeters. [details]
    • Zwiep, I. E. (2006). 'Introduction'. In I. E. Zwiep, R. Fontaine, & A. Schatz (Eds.), Sepharad in Ashkenaz. Medieval knowledge and eighteenth-century enlightened Jewish discourse (pp. ix-xvii). Edita 2007. [details]
    • Zwiep, I. E. (2006). 'No friend of Humbug. Marcus Roest Mz, first custodian of the Bibliotheca Rosenthaliana (1881-1889)'. In Omnia in eo. Studies on Jewish books and libraries in honour of Adri Offenberg, Celebrating the 125th anniversary of the Bibliotheca Rosenthaliana in Amsterdam (pp. 37-48). (Studia Rosenthaliana; No. 38-39). Peeters. [details]
    • Zwiep, I. E. (2006). 'Ritueel en gevaar'. In J. van Dam (Ed.), Levende Rituelen (pp. 113-124). Fama Fraternitatis. [details]
    • Zwiep, I. E. (2006). Encyclopaedia Judaica Second Edition [sectie: The Netherlands]. Thomson/Keter. [details]
    • Zwiep, I. E., & Schrijver, E. G. L. (2006). Omnia in eo: studies on Jewish books and libraries in honour of Adri Offenberg celebrating the 125th anniversary of the Bibliotheca Rosenthaliana in Amsterdam. (Studia Rosenthaliana; No. 38-39). Peeters. [details]


    • Zwiep, I. (2023). Waarom lesbische liefde (soort van) wél mag van de Bijbel. Frons : blad voor Leidse classici, 43(1), 20-24. [details]



    • Zwiep, I. E. (2019). Juda Lion Palache (1886-1944) en de troost van de semasiologie. In Bitachon Amsterdam: Liber Amicorum voor A.M. Aronson (pp. 347-354). Amphora Books.


    • Zwiep, I. (2016). Mendelssohn perspectives [Review of: N. Grimes, A.R. Mace (2012) Mendelssohn Perspectives]. Jewish Culture and History, 16(3), 322-325. [details]


    • Zwiep, I. E. (2013). Grammatical Thought: Ashkenazi Tradition. In G. Khan (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Hebrew language and linguistics. - Vol. 2: G-O (pp. 110-113). Brill. [details]
    • Zwiep, I. E. (2013). Netherlands. In G. Khan (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Hebrew language and linguistics. - Vol. 2: G-O (pp. 819-822). Brill. [details]
    • Zwiep, I. E. (2013). [Review of: M.F. Mach, Y. Jacobson (2005) Historiosophy and the Science of Judaism]. Bibliotheca Orientalis, 70(1-2), 210-212. https://doi.org/10.2143/BIOR.70.1.2983461 [details]



    • Zwiep, I. E. (2008). [Review of: M. Geesink, A. Bossers (2007) Jacob Campo Weyerman. Den Talmud ofte Overzeldzaame Joodsche vertellingen (1736)]. Mededelingen van de Stichting Jacob Campo Weyerman, 30(1), 64-66. [details]


    • Zwiep, I. E. (2007). 'Spreekt God Hebreeuws, of kan Hij het lezen? Het spel van tekst, taal en lezer in de vroege joodse bijbelexegese'. http://www.bijbelgenootschap.nl. [details]
    • Zwiep, I. E. (2007). Adon olam. In Sidur Ha’Chidush Beit Ha’Chidush. [details]
    • Zwiep, I. E. (2007). Alenu. In Sidur Ha’Chidush Beit Ha’Chidush. [details]
    • Zwiep, I. E. (2007). Yedid nefesh. In Sidur Ha’Chidush Beit Ha’Chidush. [details]
    • Zwiep, I. E. (2007). Yigdal. In Sidur Ha’Chidush Beit Ha’Chidush. [details]


    • Zwiep, I. E. (2006). Lemma 'The Hebrew Linguistic Tradition'. In E. K. Brown, & A. H. Anderson (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics 2nd edition Elsevier. [details]
    • Zwiep, I. E. (2006). Lemma's 'Jacob Alting', 'Cohen Belinfante', 'Van Campen', 'Cunaeus', 'Dozy', 'Mulder', 'Polak', 'Roest', 'Schultens', 'Seeligmann', 'Surenhuis'. In Encyclopaedia Judaica Thomson/Keter. [details]

    Prijs / subsidie

    • Zwiep, I. (2022). RFHE Post-doc grant.
    • Zwiep, I., Wallet, B. & Hagbi, Y. (2022). Amsterdam Centre for Jewish Urban Studies.

    Lidmaatschap / relevante positie

    • Zwiep, I. (2029-). EAJS Digital Forum.
    • Zwiep, I. (2023-). Quality Assessment Departments of Jewish Thought BIU, BGU, HUJI, TAU., Council for Higher Education Israel.
    • Zwiep, I. (2023-2024). Lid Berufungskommission Professur für jüdische Studien der Vormoderne (w/m/d) (W 2), Phil Fak, Philosophische Fakultät Universität Köln.
    • Zwiep, I. (2023-). Gutachterin Evaluierung Salomon Ludwig Steinheim-Instituts für deutsch-jüdische Geschichte (STI), Johannes Rau Forschungsgemeinschaft.


    • Zwiep, I. (reviewer) (2016-2021). Walter de Gruyter (Publisher).
    • Zwiep, I. (reviewer) (2016-2022). De Gruyter (Publisher).


    • Zwiep, I. (speaker) (18-11-2017). De Reikwijdte van Kabbala, U Night, Amsterdam.
    • Zwiep, I. (speaker) (5-11-2017). Competente classici. Waarom rabbijnen iets over de oudheid moe(s)ten weten, NIS Symposium Denken met Lef, Amsterdam.
    • Zwiep, I. (speaker) (21-10-2017). Jeruzalem, stad van papier, Jeruzalem van Eden tot heden, Amsterdam.
    • Zwiep, I. (speaker) (11-9-2017). Heilige oorlog en martelaarschap in het Jodendom, Filosofisch Café De Verdieping, Assen.
    • Zwiep, I. (speaker) & Grazi, A. (speaker) (29-5-2017). E pluribus plures. Jewish Studies at the University of Amsterdam, E Pluribus Unum? Multidisciplinarity in Jewish Studies. Programmes and Teaching, Girona.
    • Zwiep, I. (speaker) (12-5-2017). Het Hebreeuws, Het Taalhuis.
    • Zwiep, I. (invited speaker) (20-4-2017). Heilige oorlog en martelaarschap in het Jodendom, HOVO Achterhoek de Liemers, Doetinchem.
    • Zwiep, I. (invited speaker) (6-4-2017). Response to Paolo Girardelli, Changing landscapes of the Levant. Architecture, communities and power balances, The Mediterranean and Europe: Contact, Conflicts, Confluences, Amsterdam.
    • Zwiep, I. (speaker) (11-12-2016). Het Hebreeuws – de taal van de Joden?, Joods Historisch Museum.


    • Zwiep, I. (participant) (18-11-2017). Zwarte Markt voor Kennis (other).
    • Zwiep, I. (participant) (7-8-2017). 17th World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem. Panel Discussion (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Zwiep, I. (participant) (22-6-2017). On Friendship / (Collateral Damage) II – The Guardians of the Door, Amsterdam (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Zwiep, I. (participant) & Schatz, A. (organiser) (6-2-2017 - 7-2-2017). Turning the page: Jewish print cultures and digital humanities. A roundtable, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
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