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Dr. L. (Luuk) Huitink

Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
Capaciteitsgroep Griekse en Latijnse talen en culturen
Fotograaf: Janric van Rookhuijzen

  • Turfdraagsterpad 9
  • Kamernummer: 2.01
  • Postbus 94203
    1090 GE Amsterdam
  • Profile

    Luuk Huitink is Associate Professor of Ancient Greek and MA Programme Director of ACASA.

    Huitink was educated at the University of Amsterdam (MA) and Worcester College, University of Oxford (MSt, DPhil). Before returning to his alma mater in 2020, he served as the Leventis Research Fellow in Ancient Greek at Merton College, University of Oxford (2009-2013), as Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter at Heidelberg University (2013-2018) and as Spinoza Visiting Fellow and postdoctoral researcher at Leiden University (2016, 2018-2020).

    Huitink's research focuses on linguistic, narratological and cognitive approaches to Greek literature, in particular historiography (Xenophon and Flavius Josephus having his special interest) and the ancient rhetorical tradition, while he has also published on, for instance, Homer, Attic Oratory, and Protagoras. He seeks to combine new theoretical frameworks (such as embodied cognition and socio-psychological research) with time-honoured philological practices such as close-reading.

    Huitink is a member of the Amsterdam Centre for Ancient Studies & Archaeology (ACASA), where his his research is currently being pursued under the aegis of Anchoring Innovation, a research programme of the Netherlands National Research School in Classical Studies (OIKOS), which is supported by a 2017 Gravitation Grant of the Ministry of Education of the Netherlands (NWO). He is also involved in various other projects, including one on Conversation Analaysis (Madrid) and one on 'Ancient Indo-European Languages for the 21st Century' (Göttingen) as well as a long-standing collaboration between Dutch and French scholars in the "Groupe Aspect" (Paris).

    Huitink sits on the board of Anchoring Innovation, and is also part of the executive committee of the International Xenophon Society. He is furthermore part of the editorial board of Histos, a peer-reviewed online journal for ancient historiography.

    Huitink has taught courses on many topics in Greek and Latin languages and cultures, and supervised BA and (R)MA theses on Greek tragedy, Greek historiography and Greek linguistics . He is co-supervisor of a PhD thesis on the sociocultural history of tears in Ancient Greece (Leonie Henkes, Leiden University) and of a PhD thesis on style and communication in Plotinus (Daan Mulder, Utrecht University).

    External links:

  • Recent Larger Publications

    Luuk Huitink is one of the authors - together with Evert van Emde Boas, Albert Rijksbaron and Mathieu de Bakker - of The Cambridge Grammar of Classical Greek (CUP 2019) This is the first full-scale reference grammar of Classical Greek in English in a century. The first work of its kind to reflect significant advances in linguistics made in recent decades, it provides students, teachers and academics with a comprehensive yet user-friendly treatment. The chapters on phonology and morphology make full use of insights from comparative and historical linguistics to elucidate complex systems of roots, stems and endings. The syntax offers linguistically up-to-date descriptions of such topics as case usage, tense and aspect, voice, subordinate clauses, infinitives and participles. An innovative section on textual coherence treats particles and word order and discusses several sample passages in detail, demonstrating new ways of approaching Greek texts.

    Together with Tim Rood he has published Xenophon: Anabasis Book III (CUP 2019). This is the first comprehensive commentary on a section of Xenophon's Anabasis in English for almost a century. It provides up-to-date guidance on literary, historical and cultural aspects of the Anabasis and will help undergraduate students to read Greek better. It also incorporates recent advances in Xenophontic scholarship and Greek linguistics, showcasing in particular Xenophon's linguistic innovations and varied style. Advanced students and professional scholars will also profit from the sustained attention which this commentary devotes to Xenophon's varied narrative strategies and to the reception of episodes from Anabasis III in antiquity. The introduction and commentary show that Xenophon is just as important (if not more so) to the development of Greek historiography, and of Greek prose in general, as Herodotus and Thucydides.

    He is one of the editors, together with Jonas Grethlein and Aldo Tagliabue, of Experience, Narrative, and Criticism in Ancient Greece: Under the Spell of Stories (OUP 2020). This is the first volume to appear in Oxford University Press's series Cognitive Classics. The edited volume contains thirteen papers which pursue cognitive approaches to literary studies, offering new perspectives not only on a wide range of Greek literary genres, but also on other ancient media such as dance and sculpture. It develops new methodological approaches beyond 'classic' narratology, serving as a inventory of current approaches to narrative in classical studies. It integrates the study of ancient criticism with that of literature and intermediality, encouraging interdisciplinary dialogue and forming a basis for future scholarship.

  • Publicaties


    • Huitink, L. (2025). Proleptic Moves in Xenophon’s Narrative of Mantinea (Hellenica 7.5): The Fog of War. In S. Schomber, & A. Tagliabue (Eds.), Prolepsis in Ancient Greek: Definitions, Forms and Effects (pp. 68-90). Brill. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004715530_005


    • Huitink, L. (2024). Between Triumph and Tragedy: Josephus, Bellum Judaicum 7.121–157. In I. J. F. de Jong, & M. J. Versluys (Eds.), Reading Greek and Hellenistic-Roman Spolia: Objects, Appropriation and Cultural Change (pp. 215-237). (Euhormos: Greco-Roman Studies in Anchoring Innovation; Vol. 5). Brill. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004682702_013 [details]
    • Huitink, L., & Rood, T. (2024). Xenophon, Professional Military Vocabulary, and the Formation of the Literary Koine. In C. Monaco, R. Machado, & E. Bozia (Eds.), Redefining the Standards in Attic, Koine, and Atticism (pp. 148-170). (Euhormos; Vol. 6). Brill. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004687318_006


    • Huitink, L. (2023). How Far, How Close: Imagining the Battle of Cunaxa in Greek Historiography. In E. Clifford, & X. Buxton (Eds.), The Imagination of the Mind in Classical Athens: Forms of Thought (pp. 55-84). (Image, Text, and Culture in Classical Antiquity). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003147459-3 [details]


    • Huitink, L. (2022). Cyrus' Tears: An Essay in Affective Narratology and Socratic History. In M. de Bakker, B. van den Berg, & J. Klooster (Eds.), Emotions and Narrative in Ancient Literature and Beyond: Studies in Honour of Irene de Jong (pp. 411-427). (Mnemosyne. Supplements; Vol. 451). Brill. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004506053_027 [details]
    • Huitink, L. (2022). Early Orators. In M. de Bakker, & I. J. F. de Jong (Eds.), Speech in Ancient Greek Literature (pp. 475-498). (Studies in Ancient Greek Narrative; Vol. 5), (Mnemosyne. Supplements; Vol. 448). Brill. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004498815_023 [details]
    • Huitink, L., & Rood, T. (2022). Xenophon. In M. P. de Bakker, & I. J. F. de Jong (Eds.), Speech in Ancient Greek Literature (pp. 246-265). (Studies in Ancient Greek Narrative; Vol. 5), (Mnemosyne. Supplements; Vol. 448). Brill. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004498815_013 [details]
    • van Henten, J. W., & Huitink, L. (2022). Josephus. In M. de Bakker, & I. J. F. de Jong (Eds.), Speech in Ancient Greek Literature (pp. 350-374). (Studies in Ancient Greek Narrative; Vol. 5), (Mnemosyne. Supplements; Vol. 448). Brill. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004498815_018 [details]


    • Huitink, L., & Willi, A. (2021). Protagoras and the Beginnings of Grammar. Cambridge Classical journal, 67, 66-92. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1017/S175027052100004X [details]
    • Van Emde Boas, E., Rijksbaron, A., Huitink, L., & de Bakker, M. P. (2021). 剑桥古典希腊语语法 全面系统详细的古希腊语案头工具书 (Chinese transl. of The Cambridge Grammar of Classical Greek). East China Normal University Press.


    • Grethlein, J., Huitink, L., & Tagliabue, A. (2020). Introduction: Narrative and Aesthetic Experience in Ancient Greece. In J. Grethlein, L. Huitink, & A. Tagliabue (Eds.), Experience, Narrative, and Criticism in Ancient Greece: Under the Spell of Stories (pp. 1-12). Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198848295.003.0001
    • Grethlein, J., Huitink, L., & Tagliabue, A. (Eds.) (2020). Experience, Narrative, and Criticism in Ancient Greece: Under the Spell of Stories. (Cognitive Classics; Vol. 1). Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198848295.001.0001
    • Huitink, L. (2020). Enargeia and Bodily Mimesis. In J. Grethlein, L. Huitink, & A. Tagliabue (Eds.), Experience, Narrative, and Criticism in Ancient Greece: Under the Spell of Stories (pp. 188-209). Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198848295.003.0010
    • Huitink, L., & Rood, T. (2020). Xenophon de Halbattiker? Xenophons woordenschat, 'zuiver' Attisch en de ontwikkeling van de Griekse historiografie. Lampas, 53(4), 420-436. [details]
    • van Emde Boas, E., Rijksbaron, A., Huitink, L., & de Bakker, M. (2020). Een nieuwe grammatica van het klassiek Grieks. Lampas, 53(1), 84-95. https://doi.org/10.5117/LAM2020.1.007.BAKK [details]


    • Huitink, L. (2019). "There Was a River on their Left-Hand Side": Xenophon's Anabasis, Arrival Scenes, Reflector Narrative and the Evolving Language of Greek Historiography. In A. Willi (Ed.), Formes et fonctions des langues littéraires en Grèce ancienne (pp. 185-226). (Entretiens sur l'antiquité classique; Vol. 65). Fondation Hardt pour l'étude de l'antiquité classique.
    • Huitink, L. (2019). Enargeia, Enactivism and the Ancient Readerly Imagination. In M. Anderson, D. Cairns, & M. Sprevak (Eds.), Distributed Cognition in Classical Antiquity (pp. 188-209). (The Edinburgh History of Distributed Cognition; Vol. 1). Edinburgh University Press. https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/distributed-cognition-in-classical-antiquity/enargeia-enactivism-and-the-ancient-readerly-imagination/187004945C3A3D62DA4F32421584D93D
    • Huitink, L., & Rood, T. (2019). Xenophon. Anabasis, Book III. Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781139941457
    • van Emde Boas, E., Rijksbaron, A., Huitink, L., & de Bakker, M. (2019). The Cambridge Grammar of Classical Greek. Cambridge University Press. [details]


    • Allan, R. J., Van Emde Boas, E., & Huitink, L. (2018). Introduction. In R. J. Allan, E. Van Emde Boas, & L. Huitink (Eds.), Form and Function- in Greek Grammar: Linguistic Contributions to the Study of Greek Literature (pp. 1-4). (Amsterdam Studies in Classical Philology; Vol. 30). Brill. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004386129_002
    • Huitink, L. (2018). Xenophon. In K. De Temmerman, & E. van Emde Boas (Eds.), Characterization in Ancient Greek Literature (pp. 467-485). (Studies in Ancient Greek Narrative; Vol. 4), (Mnemosyne. Supplements; Vol. 411). Brill. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004356313_027
    • Rijksbaron, A., Allan, R. J. (Ed.), van Emde Boas, E. (Ed.), & Huitink, L. (Ed.) (2018). Form and Function- in Greek Grammar: Linguistic Contributions to the Study of Greek Literature. (Amsterdam Studies in Classical Philology; Vol. 30). Brill. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004386129
    • van Henten, J. W., & Huitink, L. (2018). Josephus. In K. De Temmerman, & E. van Emde Boas (Eds.), Characterization in Ancient Greek Literature (pp. 251-270). (Studies in Ancient Greek Narrative; Vol. 4), (Mnemosyne. Supplements; Vol. 411). Brill. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004356313_016 [details]





    • Van Emde Boas, E., & Huitink, L. (2010). Syntax. In E. J. Bakker (Ed.), A Companion to the Ancient Greek Language (pp. 134-150). (Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World). Wiley Blackwell. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781444317398.ch10



    • van Henten, J. W., & Huitink, L. (2007). Josephus. In I. J. F. de Jong, & R. Nünlist (Eds.), Time in Ancient Greek Literature (pp. 213-230). (Studies in Ancient Greek Narrative; Vol. 2), (Mnemosyne. Supplements; Vol. 291). Brill. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789047422938_015 [details]



    • Huitink, L. (2005). Saying NO to iam. In G. Calboli (Ed.), Latina Lingua! : proceedings of the twelfth International Colloquium on Latin Linguistics (Bologna,9-14 june 2003) (Vol. 2, pp. 561-570). (Papers on Grammar; Vol. 9, No. 2). Herder. https://doi.org/10.1515/joll.2005.9.2.561


    • van Henten, J. W., & Huitink, L. (2003). Inscriptions from Israel: Jewish or non-Jewish Revisited. Bulletin of Judaeo-Greek Studies, 32, 33-46. [details]


    • Van Beek, L. (Author), & Huitink, L. (Author). (2020). Ancient Greek – Introduction, Part 2: Writing Systems, the Alphabet. Web publication or website, Sprachwissenschaftlisches Seminar, Universität Göttingen. https://doi.org/10.5446/48903
    • Van Beek, L. (Author), & Huitink, L. (Author). (2020). Ancient Greek – Introduction, Part 3: Dialects in the Archaic and Classical Period. Web publication or website, Sprachwissenschaftlisches Seminar, Universität Göttingen. https://doi.org/10.5446/48905
    • Van Beek, L. (Author), & Huitink, L. (Author). (2020). Ancient Greek – Morphology, Part 1: Derivation. Web publication or website, Sprachwissenschaftlisches Seminar, Universität Göttingen. https://doi.org/10.5446/48909
    • Van Beek, L. (Author), & Huitink, L. (Author). (2020). Ancient Greek – Morphology, Part 2: Compounding. Web publication or website, Sprachwissenschaftlisches Seminar, Universität Göttingen. https://doi.org/10.5446/48910
    • Van Beek, L. (Author), & Huitink, L. (Author). (2020). Ancient Greek – Morphology, Part 3: Declension. Web publication or website, Sprachwissenschaftlisches Seminar, Universität Göttingen. https://doi.org/10.5446/48911
    • Van Beek, L. (Author), & Huitink, L. (Author). (2020). Ancient Greek – Morphology, Part 4: Conjugation. Web publication or website, Sprachwissenschaftlisches Seminar, Universität Göttingen. https://doi.org/10.5446/48912
    • Van Beek, L. (Author), & Huitink, L. (Author). (2020). Ancient Greek – Morphosyntactic Structures, Part 1: Agreement and Nominal Structures. Web publication or website, Sprachwissenschaftlisches Seminar, Universität Göttingen. https://doi.org/10.5446/48913
    • Van Beek, L. (Author), & Huitink, L. (Author). (2020). Ancient Greek – Morphosyntactic Structures, Part 2: Voice. Web publication or website, Sprachwissenschaftlisches Seminar, Universität Göttingen. https://doi.org/10.5446/48914
    • Van Beek, L. (Author), & Huitink, L. (Author). (2020). Ancient Greek – Morphosyntactic Structures, Part 3: Tense and Aspect. Web publication or website, Sprachwissenschaftlisches Seminar, Universität Göttingen. https://doi.org/10.5446/48915
    • Van Beek, L. (Author), & Huitink, L. (Author). (2020). Ancient Greek – Morphosyntactic Structures, Part 4: Mood and Modality. Web publication or website, Sprachwissenschaftlisches Seminar, Universität Göttingen. https://doi.org/10.5446/48916
    • Van Beek, L. (Author), & Huitink, L. (Author). (2020). Ancient Greek – Morphosyntactic Structures, Part 5: Constituent Order and Information Structure. Web publication or website, Sprachwissenschaftlisches Seminar, Universität Göttingen. https://doi.org/10.5446/48917
    • Van Beek, L. (Author), & Huitink, L. (Author). (2020). Ancient Greek – Phonology, Part 1: Segments. Web publication or website, Sprachwissenschaftlisches Seminar, Universität Göttingen. https://doi.org/10.5446/48906
    • Van Beek, L. (Author), & Huitink, L. (Author). (2020). Ancient Greek – Phonology, Part 2: Accentuation. Web publication or website, Sprachwissenschaftlisches Seminar, Universität Göttingen. https://doi.org/10.5446/48907
    • Van Beek, L. (Author), & Huitink, L. (Author). (2020). Ancient Greek – Phonology, Part 3: Syllables, Suprasegmentals and Prosodic Words. Web publication or website, Sprachwissenschaftlisches Seminar, Universität Göttingen. https://doi.org/10.5446/48908
    • van Beek, L. (Author), & Huitink, L. (Author). (2020). Ancient Greek - Introduction, Part 1: External History of Greek and its Sources. Web publication or website, Sprachwissenschaftlisches Seminar, Universität Göttingen. https://doi.org/10.5446/48903



    • van Henten, J. W., & Huitink, L. (2005). The Jewish Inscriptions from Israel as Presented in SEG: Ashdod, INSCRIPTIONS FROM THE LAND OF ISRAEL.
    • van Henten, J. W., & Huitink, L. (2005). Flavius Josephus' Antiquitates: de publicatie en het eerste publiek. In C. Dauven, J. Koopmans, & L. Kuitert (Eds.), Publiceren: wat is dat? (pp. 125-144). Amsterdam: Instituut voor Cultuur en Geschiedenis. [details]
    • van Henten, J. W., & Huitink, L. (2005). Inscriptions from Israel: Jewish or non-Jewish Revisited. Inscriptions of Israel/Palestine. http://www.stg.brown.edu/projects/Inscriptions/research.shtml [details]
    • van Henten, J. W., & Huitink, L. (2005). The Jewish Inscriptions from Israel as Presented in SEG. Inscriptions of Israel/Palestine. http://www.stg.brown.edu/projects/Inscriptions/research.shtml [details]





    • Huitink, L. (2021). [Review of: F. Clark (2020) The First Pagan Historian: The Fortunes of a Fraud from Antiquity to the Enlightenment]. History of Humanities, 6(2), 687-689. https://doi.org/10.1086/715953 [details]


    • Huitink, L. (2020). Review of Xenophon, Het diner. Vertaald en toegelicht door Christiaan Caspers. Hermeneus, 92(2), 66.
    • Huitink, L. (2020). [Review of: A. Lianeri (2016) Knowing Future Time in and Through Greek Historiography]. History of Humanities, 5(2), 523-526. https://doi.org/10.1086/710287 [details]


    • Huitink, L. (2019). Review of B. Verhelst (2017) Direct Speech in Nonnus’ Dionysiaca: Narrative and Rhetorical Functions of the Characters’ “Varied” and “Many-Faceted” Words. Rhetorica: A journal of the history of rhetoric, 37(3), 321-323. https://doi.org/10.1525/rh.2019.37.3.321
    • van Emde Boas, E., Rijksbaron, A., Huitink, L., & de Bakker, M. (2019). The Cambridge Grammar of Classical Greek. A New Reference Grammar for Classical Greek: aims and principles. Journal of Classics Teaching, 20(40), 30-34. https://doi.org/10.1017/S2058631019000308 [details]




    Lidmaatschap / relevante positie

    • Huitink, L. (2020-). National Research School in Classical Studies, The Netherlands, Research School OIKOS. https://www.ru.nl/oikos/
    • Huitink, L. (2020-). Funded by the Excellence Strategy of Heidelberg University (“Expanding Internationality” project). Principal Coordinator: Dr. Chrysanthos S. (…), Fictional and Factual Narratives in Antiquity. https://www.uni-heidelberg.de/fakultaeten/philosophie/skph/fictional_factual.html
    • Huitink, L. (2018-). 'Anchoring Innovation’ is the Gravitation Grant research agenda of OIKOS, the National Research School in Classical Studies, the Netherlands. It is (…), Anchoring Innovation. https://www.ru.nl/oikos/anchoring-innovation/
    • Huitink, L. (2017-). Research group of French and Dutch scholars working and publishing together on topics in Greek linguistics., Groupe aspect en grec (GAG).



    • Huitink, L. (speaker) (9-6-2022). The Fog of War: Proleptic Moves in Xenophon's Mantinea Narrative (Hell. 7.5), Virtual Prolepsis in Greek Literature, Gießen .
    • Huitink, L. (speaker) (1-6-2022). Imagining Cunaxa in Greek Historiography, Historiographical Style, Oxford.
    • Huitink, L. (speaker) (19-1-2022). Xenophon in Phrynichus (and Others), Phrynichus’ Eclogue: Structure, Context and Reception.
    • Huitink, L. (speaker) (24-9-2021). Torn Apart in Tyre – Narrative and Experience in Chariton, Ancient Narrative and Reader Response: International Conference, Siena.
    • Huitink, L. (speaker) (2-9-2021). Protagoras and the Origins of Formal Grammar, Reflections on Language in Early Greece, Newcastle.
    • Huitink, L. (speaker) (21-4-2021). ‘Nihil autem crescit sola imitatione’ (Quint. IO 10.2.8) Conceptualisations of the history of literature in antiquity, Agents of Change, Leiden. https://www.anchoringinnovation.nl/events/workshop-agents-of-change-day-2
    • Huitink, L. (speaker) (24-3-2021). Gastcollege: De Taal van Xenophon, Universiteit Gent.
    • Huitink, L. (speaker) (18-3-2021). Forum Antiquum: Plotting History. How to Write Your Own Anabasis, Universiteit Leiden, Leiden. https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/en/events/2021/03/forum-antiquum-spring-2021-lecture-luuk-huitink
    • Huitink, L. (speaker) & Moormann, E. M. (speaker) (22-1-2021). Josephus, Bellum Judaicum 7.121-52: Jewish Objects Entering the Roman Empire, Innovating Objects? Reading Spolia in Greek and Latin Literature, Amsterdam. https://www.anchoringinnovation.nl/events/innovating-objects-reading-spolia-in-greek-and-latin-literatuur
    • Huitink, L. (speaker) (17-12-2020). Protagoras and the Beginnings of Grammar, SPIN.
    • Huitink, L. (speaker) (16-12-2020). Social and Narrative Rules in Xenophon's Cyropaedia, Forschungskolloquium, Heidelberg.
    • Huitink, L. (speaker) (26-9-2020). "Since I Have Now Started to Tell the Story": Some Peculiar Digressive Techniques in Xenophon, Digressions in Classical Historiography, Kalamata.
    • Huitink, L. (speaker), De Jonge, C. (speaker), Koning, H. (speaker) & Waal, W. (speaker) (9-9-2020). Avondsymposium: De geheimen van het Grieks, Week van de Klassieken, Leiden. https://rijksmuseum-van-oudheden.webinargeek.com/avondsymposium-de-geheimen-van-het-grieks
    • Van der Velden, A. J. L. (speaker) & Huitink, L. (speaker) (11-12-2019). Op het spoor van 's lands beroemde classici, Nederlands Klassiek Verbond, afdeling Leiden.
    • Huitink, L. (speaker) (8-12-2019). On the Trail of Xenophon in the Persian Empire, Fudan University, Shanghai.
    • Huitink, L. (speaker) (7-12-2019). Greek Grammar between Sentence and Discourse, Fudan University, Shanghai.
    • Huitink, L. (speaker) (18-11-2019). Askēsis, Mathēsis, Epimeleia, Paideia, Sunētheia (Terms for Acquiring Virtues), Where Literature and Philosophy Meet: The Virtues in Xenophon’s Writings, Bar Ilan.
    • Huitink, L. (speaker) (9-11-2019). Language and Lies: How Not to Lose the Plot in Greek Linguistics and Narratology, OIKOS Nunspeet Seminar Methods and Techniques, Nunspeet.
    • Huitink, L. (speaker) (24-10-2019). “A curious approximation to the romantic spirit”: Phantasia in classical Greek historiography between distance and proximity, Corpus Christi College Classics Seminar, Oxford.
    • Huitink, L. (speaker) (16-9-2019). Xenophon and Greek Historiographical Prose, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
    • Huitink, L. (speaker) (18-4-2019). Reflector Narrative in Xenophon’s Anabasis, Forschungskolloquium Sprachwissenschaft, Göttingen.
    • Huitink, L. (speaker) (28-3-2019). The Tales We Tell: On Narrative, Explanation, and Losing the Plot, Faculteitssymposium Geesteswetenschappen Universiteit Leiden, Leiden.
    • Huitink, L. (speaker) (27-3-2019). De speech van Socles: Eindexamenlezing Herodotus, Nederlands Klassiek Verbond, afdeling Leiden.
    • Huitink, L. (speaker) (20-10-2018). Νομοθέτης ἀττικισμοῦ? An Attempt to Reconstruct the Ancient Debate about Xenophon’s Language, Anabases in Antiquity and Beyond, Heraklion.
    • Huitink, L. (speaker) (13-9-2018). Xenophon, Professional Military Vocabulary and the Formation of the Koine, Beyond Standards: Attic, the Koiné and Atticism, Cambridge.
    • Huitink, L. (speaker) (29-8-2018). Encoding historical experience: a survey of developments in the language of Greek historiography, 65e Entretiens sur l’antiquité classique , Vandoeuvres.
    • Huitink, L. (speaker) (7-7-2018). “CHORUS: What? for I know not yet what you will say. ALCMAEON: Nor will you ever, if you interrupt.” Anchoring Tragic Style in Pragmatics, Doing Things with Words on Stage, Zurich.
    • Huitink, L. (speaker) (19-4-2018). Anchoring in Style, 8th OIKOS Anchoring Innovation Expert Meeting, Arnhem.


    • Huitink, L. (examiner) (18-4-2021). Jurylid Vertaalwedstrijd Grieks, Nederlands Klassiek Verbond Leiden (examination).
    • Huitink, L. (examiner) (7-10-2020 - 8-10-2020). Examiner of the Newcastle Classical Prize 2020, Eton College (examination).
    This list of publications is extracted from the UvA-Current Research Information System. Questions? Ask the library or the Pure staff of your faculty / institute. Log in to Pure to edit your publications. Log in to Personal Page Publication Selection tool to manage the visibility of your publications on this list.
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